Should I Get Fitted For Golf Clubs?

Golf is an expensive habit and a challenging game. When regular play and practice doesn’t appear to pay off, golfers can get lost in self doubt and frustration and reject things they could do to improve their game, like getting fitted for golf clubs. Many mid to high handicappers have a false belief that fitted golf clubs are only for “good” players, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. 

In fact, getting fitted for golf clubs is highly recommended for golfers of all skill levels. Clubs that are fitted to your individual body type, swing mechanics, and playing style can have a significant impact on your overall performance on the course. As golf instruction has shifted more towards encouraging a player’s natural swing, the importance of equipment that syncs with your unique body mechanics is critical to playing your best golf. 

Let’s take a look at exactly why this is the case and answer the question of should you get fitted for golf clubs once and for all. Here is what we’ll cover:

  • The Risks of Not Getting Fitted

  • The Difference that Fitted Golf Clubs Make

  • How to Get Fitted for Golf Clubs

The Risks of Not Getting Fitted for Golf Clubs

Getting fitted for clubs is not that much more expensive than buying golf clubs off the rack at your local sporting goods store, as many club fitters will give a significant discount on their fitting fees if you purchase clubs from them. And when you think about it, paying an extra 10-15% for custom fitted golf clubs is a worthwhile premium over buying clubs off the rack, especially when you consider the drawbacks of not getting fitted. 

For example, clubs that are not properly fitted can be too long, too short, too heavy, or too light, which can cause you to make adjustments to your swing mechanics that negatively affect your accuracy and consistency. Improper clubs also pose additional risks to your health and your game.

A golfer selects a golf club from his bag

Not Realizing Your True Golfing Potential

Golfers should avoid making adjustments based on their equipment; the goal is to accommodate your natural swing with clubs that best suit it. Not only do you increase your risk of injury and strain when using clubs that aren’t fitted to your body type and mechanics, your performance on the course can suffer. Unfitted clubs prohibit you from generating your optimal clubhead speed, ball speed, and distance, and in golf we need all the help we can get!

Limited Options for Golf Clubs

Buying off the rack also limits your options to the brands and types offered through your retailer of choice, which may not match your particular body mechanics, resulting in clubs that don’t feel comfortable or natural to swing. You also aren’t able to customize the club shaft, which is far more important than people might think. 

The golf club shaft plays a crucial role in the performance of the golf club, and many golf instructors consider it as important if not more than the club heads themselves. The club shaft affects several key aspects of your swing and shot performance:

  • Flexibility: The flexibility of the shaft determines how much the clubhead bends or "whips" during the swing. This can affect the timing and release of the clubhead, as well as the launch angle and spin rate of the ball.

  • Weight: The weight of the shaft affects the overall weight and balance of the club, which can impact your swing speed, tempo, and consistency. A lighter shaft can result in faster swing speed and greater distance, while a heavier shaft can provide more control and stability.

  • Length: The length of the shaft can affect the plane and angle of your swing, as well as the distance and accuracy of your shots. A longer shaft can generate more clubhead speed, but it may also make it harder to control the club and hit accurate shots.

  • Material: The material of the shaft, whether it's steel or graphite, can also affect the performance of the club. Steel shafts tend to be heavier and provide more control, while graphite shafts are lighter and can generate more distance.

The bottom line is the shaft of your golf clubs is of primary importance, and without getting a proper fitting you won’t be able to get the right shaft type, flex, weight, and length to optimize your club performance and improve your overall game.

Why Golf Club Fitting Will Benefit Your Game

As mentioned, a lot of golfers falsely presume that they aren’t good enough for a club fitting. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as getting fitted for clubs is highly recommended for golfers of all skill levels to ensure that your equipment is optimized to your individual needs and playing style. If you play golf regularly and are serious about improving your game, a club fitting will help all of your practice and playing time result in real improvements, from accuracy to consistency and yes, increased distance.

A golfer completes his backswing on the fairway

Increased Accuracy

Clubs that are too long, too short, too heavy, or too light can cause you to make adjustments to your swing that negatively affect your accuracy. We mentioned the injury risk that comes from adjusting to your equipment, but when you have clubs that are appropriately suited to your individual mechanics such as body type, height, and swing speed, you will be able to hit more accurate shots more often.

Improved Consistency

One of the most important facets of the golf game is the development of a consistent and repeatable swing. Buying clubs off the rack can limit this development, because some clubs may need to be longer or shorter than others in your bag. But when every club in your bag is fitted correctly, you'll be able to swing more consistently, resulting in better control, less variance, and fuller distance. A consistent golf swing and ball flight that you can rely on will lead to better scores and a more enjoyable golfing experience.

Increased Distance & Comfort

Clubs that are customized to your mechanics consider factors like swing speed and height, and adjustments are made to the club shaft, weight and club head design. The result is an opportunity for every golfer to generate the swing and clubhead speed necessary to maximize their distance off the tee and fairways. 

Distance isn’t all about how hard you swing, it takes into account everything from your hip and shoulder turn to launch angle and ball contact. Fitted clubs are better able to optimize the launch angle of the ball, which will generate increases in distance while adding the benefit of better accuracy. For example, a player with a slower swing speed may benefit from a higher lofted club, which can help launch the ball higher in the air and achieve greater distance.

Speed is important when it comes to the clubhead, and fitted clubs are able to maximize this factor by ensuring the right length, weight, and flex for their swing. A club that is too heavy or too light, or a shaft that is too stiff or too flexible, can negatively impact clubhead speed and result in decreased distance.

Fitted clubs help players of all levels make better contact with the ball, whereas clubs that are too long or too short can adversely affect the angle of attack and result in less efficient contact with the ball. Proper weight and balance in the golf club helps players maintain their swing plane and tempo, resulting in more efficient energy transfer and greater distance.

Overall, buying golf clubs off the rack may be a more affordable or convenient option in the short term, but it may not provide you with the best performance or enjoyment on the course. Paying a slight premium for custom clubs gets you a far better return on your investment than buying off the rack.

How to Get Fitted for Golf Clubs

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of the fitting process, let’s talk about how to do it. We go into depth about this topic in our golf club fitting guide, but here are some basic tips for getting the process started.

First, you need to understand your options as there are two types of club fitters: brand reps and brand agnostic retailers. Brand representatives work for the club manufacturers and make the rounds to your local clubs and golf courses during the summer, setting up shop on the range and offering fittings by appointment. Some may have their own studios as well, but the important thing to know about these reps is the only option you’ll have for clubs are limited to their particular brand. If you already know you’re a Titleist player, then working with brand reps can help you zero in on the details like model, club head angles, and shaft specs. 

The other type of fitter are brand agnostic retailers, places like Golf Galaxy and Dicks which offer players the chance to try a variety of brands. These are a great option if this is your first fitting and you want to try a lot of different clubs, or if you want to mix and match irons, woods, and wedges. Not all of your clubs have to be the same brand, and often golfers find that diversity is a great way to get maximum performance from all of your clubs.

Deciding between brand reps and agnostic fitters is up to you, and you can always work with both. Just make sure you understand the fee structures, as some fitters charge by the hour and won’t refund that time if you choose not to buy clubs from them. 

Once you are ready for the fitting session, there are a few things to keep in mind. A fitting session is not the time to try and correct a swing defect…that’s what the driving range or practicing golf at home is for. Instead, the fitter is going to look at your swing as is, and try to match it with the right equipment they offer. Many incorporate technology into the fitting process to collect and analyze data on your swing. This type of feedback used to be limited to the pros, but amateurs can now benefit from the commercialization of these products thanks to the commercialization of products like launch monitors and club sensors that you can purchase from many golf retailers or online. 

A golfer hands his partner a fitted golf club

We hope this information has convinced you that the benefits of golf club fitting are important for players of all skill levels, and worth the extra cost to match your clubs to your physical attributes and playing style and preferences. The result is golf clubs that feel comfortable and natural to swing, reducing the risk of injury or strain and giving you the confidence you need to feel great about your game. Confidence is immeasurably important in the game of golf. When doubt enters your mind, you can’t commit to the shot and make a purposeful swing. 

While fitted clubs won’t immediately make you the most confident golfer in the world, they will limit mental variables and help you realize the full potential of your game.

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